What kinds of products could be processed from cassava tubers?

Cassava originated in tropical America, widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions, mainly in Brazil, Mexico, Nigeria, Bolivia, Thailand, Indonesia and other countries.

final cassava production

Final cassava production

Thailand is now the world’s third largest producer of cassava, followed by Nigeria and Brazil. Because of its high drought tolerance and insect resistance, it is suitable for planting in the northeast of Thailand, which is not suitable for most drought and other crops.

Cassava processing industry could brig various kinds of products. The cassava products has a wide range of industrial uses. The main products of cassava processing are cassava pellet, dry cassava chips, and cassava starch. Cassava pellets could be used as animal feeding. Dry cassava chips could be used to process industrial ethanol, vinegar, citric acid, ethyl acid and so on. Cassava starch can be used as an important raw material for food, beverage, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, glue, textile, paper, paint, dye, plywood, sugar, monosodium glutamate, bactericidal drugs and other industrial products. In addition, the tender stems and leaves of cassava can also raise poultry, livestock, fish, silkworms and other animals.

cassava processing machine

Cassava processing machine

Our company could supply the complete cassava starch plant, the cassava flour processing plant, as well as Garri processing plant. If you have any questions about the cassava production machine,weclome to contact us and talk with our engineers.

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