How is cassava starch production and manufacturing?

cassava washing and peeling machine

Cassava washing and peeling machine

Country specific cassava transformation strategies are needed because the role of cassava varies significantly among African countries depending on the country's stage in the cassava transformation, cultural factors, agro-ecologies and market opportunities. This variation will determine whether cassava improvement strategies should emphasize one or more of the above-mentioned measures.

The six COSCA study countries that are consistent with the cassava sector development in each country. In both Ghana and Nigeria, the development of labour-saving mechanical harvesters and peelers will help make cassava more competitive with food grains in urban markets and with other plant starches that are used in livestock feed and as raw materials in industries. Also cassava varieties that can attain a maximum yield in less than twelve months will enable commercial farmers to grow cassava under continuous cultivation. To utilize the expanded cassava starch production and manufacturing from the TMS varieties and improved agronomic practices, both Ghana and Nigeria need to more aggressively pursue new uses for cassava. International donor agencies should finance projects to develop new cassava food products and industrial uses such as preparing dried cassava roots malt for beer brewing, cassava syrup concentrate for soft drinks, small-scale cassava-based alcoholethanol production and manufacturing and utilizing of cassava starch production and manufacturing.

cassava starch processing machine

Cassava starch processing machine

Here is the introduction of cassava starch production and manufacturing:

step 1- sorting: The roots are sorted to select wholesome roots for processing.

step 2- weighing: The sorted roots are weighed.

step 3- cassava peeling: The roots are peeled to remove the peels.

step 4- cassava grating: The peeled roots are grated to produce a smooth mash.

step 5- cassava extracting: The mash is discharged into a starch extractor to extract the starch.

step 6- sedimentation: The starch milk is allowed to settle forming two layers i.e. the top free supernatant liquid and the thick starch slurry.

step 7- dewatering: The supernatant layer of liquid is removed by siphoning off the liquid with rubber hose and the thick slurry obtained is dewatered to reduce its moisture content.

step 8- granulating: The"cake" is mechanically reduced in size to produce fine granules of greater surface area.

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